Write a Bestselling Non-Fiction Book In Less Than 20 Hours


Unleash the book inside you and share your unique story with the world. Finish your manuscript in just one week.

Are you an aspiring author or an existing writer looking to enhance your book writing skills? Look no further, as bestselling author Wilko van de Kamp is here to teach you his unique approach to getting your book idea out of your head and onto paper.

In this course, Wilko shares his proven system that has helped him structure his book ideas for potential bestselling success. With engaging video lessons and interactive exercises, you'll learn:

  • How to get started on your author journey

  • Key strategies to structure your book for success

  • Tips to make writing easier and avoid writer's block

By the end of the course, you'll have a clear outline and structure for your entire book, content for the first chapter, a writing system to complete the remaining chapters, and a real publication date for your paperback book.

With Wilko's system, you'll be able to replicate your success for future book ideas. Whether it's your first or next book, it's time to share your unique story with the world. Wilko will teach you how to complete your entire manuscript draft in under 20 hours, making your dream of becoming an author a reality.

Join the course now and take the first step towards achieving your author dreams.

Start today with a free preview.

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